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Does Vision Therapy Work? Were We Taught Optics Incorrectly? – Dr. Paul Rollett, Vision Therapy Expert

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The 20/20 Podcast | Dr. Paul Rollett | Vision Therapy

Dr. Paul Rollett is the co-owner of Okanagan Vision Therapy, a multi-location, highly specialized vision therapy practice in British Columbia. In this episode, Dr. Rollett helps us understand some of the mystical aspects of vision therapy and dispels common myths. If you’ve been wondering if vision therapy is voodoo or if it actually works, you’ll want to listen to this episode!

Huge thanks to Hoya Vision Care Canada for their support in this episode!

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Does Vision Therapy Work? Were We Taught Optics Incorrectly? – Dr. Paul Rollett, Vision Therapy Expert

Thank you so much for taking the time to join me here. I’m grateful for all the support, for all the liking and the sharing, and for everything that you’ve done to help the show grow. As always, I’d like to ask one big favor off the top, which is if you get some value from this episode, please do share it. Put a link on LinkedIn, send it to your friend, put it on Instagram, text me, and let me know that you loved it. I always love to hear that and I always appreciate all the support.

I have a wonderful guest here. First of all, we are in beautiful Kelowna, British Columbia. We are inside Okanagan Vision Therapy with Dr. Paul Rollett, I’m excited to talk about vision therapy. I don’t think I’d ever thought I was going to say that sentence, but I am grateful to be here and tap into the brain of this man here so we can all learn more about vision therapy. 

Dr. Paul Rollett is the owner of Okanagan Vision Therapy, which has locations in Kelowna, Vernon, and Nelson in British Columbia where they provide high-quality vision therapy services. He is also the father of three beautiful children and the husband of Dr. Brittany Rollett, who is an amazing BCDO director member as well. I wanted to give Brittany a shout-out. He’s a self-proclaimed avid bad golfer, outdoorsman, and wearing Birkenstocks. He didn’t want to show it, but I had to show it. He’s wearing Birkenstocks because he’s an outdoorsy man. He has injured himself from some masculine activity. Thank you for doing this, Paul. I appreciate it. 

I told you when we talked over the phone that I have very little knowledge and background in VT. I’ve almost avoided these conversations, particularly on the show, because I don’t want to look silly. I appreciated our conversations beforehand because I got a good sense or at least started to get a good sense of what you do and the impact that you make here. 

I wanted to get into that. I know I’m not the only one who’s not into VT. I want some of our colleagues to learn about what you do, how it works, and then what we could do if we wanted to dabble. Why don’t we start? If you want to give a bit of an introduction of yourself and your beautiful practice and what goes on here.

The 20/20 Podcast | Dr. Paul Rollett | Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy For Different Client Groups

I’m an optometrist who has a very special interest in vision therapy and visual rehabilitation. We have been a dedicated vision therapy center for almost eleven years now. Our whole practice has been built around three main groups of clients. Probably the bulk or at least 50% would be people who have sustained a head injury, concussion, whiplash, or stroke and are dealing with the visual sequelae, light sensitivity, motion sensitivity, dizziness, and challenges with reading.

The big bulk with probably 40% will be kids. A lot of pediatric work, whether we’re working with amblyopia or if we’re working on reading and learning difficulties, that’s a big part of it. Children in grades 2, 3, and 4, who are struggling with the development of reading skills. A smaller percentage, 5% or 10% in the summer is sports vision training.

We’ll work with athletes. We’ll do goaltender camps. Baseball, golf, and hockey are the big sports around here. We’ll work with people during the summers primarily to help optimize their game and take it to the next level. Those are the big groups of clients that we work with. No day is ever the same. It’s always a fun and enjoyable puzzle, which for me keeps this profession rewarding.


No day is ever the same in vision therapy. It’s a fun, enjoyable puzzle that keeps this profession rewarding.

I love that. Looking around the office, we got these little things hanging from the ceiling here. We got nets, lights, and other things in the background. It’s a cool space. I’m excited to dig into what some of these things do and some of the patients that you see. Let’s talk about the types of actual activities. What are these for? What are some of the other activities you do for some of the bulk of your patients? Let’s start with kids, learning, reading difficulties, and things like that. Let’s say I have referred a patient to you as a young patient. What are some of the early steps that you might go through with that child?

In the initial assessment, we’re going to be looking at optics, which tends to be one of the critical components to consider. A lot of kids who are struggling may have difficulty with ill-sustained accommodation and convergence. We’re looking at whether there is anything that we can do with glasses or optics to reduce some of the stress or strain while they’re reading. 

We usually start with that. We’ll give them a handful of weeks to months and then come back in. From there, we’re still dealing with issues. A lot of times, you’ll see improvements, but not necessarily as much improvement as you might need to become a strong fluent reader, then we’ll bring them into a training program. 

The programs are generally going to be quite individualized, but the general core principle is each week, people will come in and we usually work through five different categories of activities. One is going to be an accommodative activity. One is very commonly going to be a virgin or an eye teaming. One is going to be an oculomotor, so scanning or eye tracking. We’ll often have some of the fun activities as a fourth category. We’ll use virtual reality and 3D TVs to help build virgin ranges. We usually also have an occupational therapist and some kinesiologists who’ve been on the team. 

We also may incorporate gross and fine motor activities around it so that the kid isn’t necessarily just sitting there doing eye activities. A lot of times you’ll have to incorporate movement and motion so we may borrow or incorporate movement or gross motor activities. Generally, most people usually are with us for around fifteen or so weeks. We’ll sequence or structure each week and send them home with activities.

That’s interesting. The gross motor movements, the kinesiology, occupational therapists, you find that those are needed or relevant for a child who comes to you for reading issues. Do you find there’s a connection between some of that? 

It depends because we have an occupational therapist, we may do a gross and fine motor assessment. In terms of the way that the muscular systems or coordination develop within our body, it’s initially gross and fine motor that is developing somewhat in tandem, more the gross motor. An oculomotor doesn’t develop until later. 

If you’re dealing with a child who has low tone or challenges with movement or coordination of the rest of their body, it’s tricky to get them to sit still and do let’s say an eye-teaming activity until you’ve helped them in that area. That would either be something we may do. We also collaborate and refer a lot with local pediatrics, OTs, or physios. There are a lot of good resources. It may be that they have to do some of that work before we start to work on the visual system. 

Very interesting. Let’s just work on getting your speed, making sure you can keep things in the line but there’s potentially a much bigger picture that you need to be looking at. Let’s go back to the other big portion of your patient base, which is your concussion and head injury type of patient base, which is often what I think many of us will associate with vision therapy, as well as vision training. 

I know you said each patient is very individualized. There’s going to be individualized programming for each of them, but in an average case if there is such a thing as a patient who’s had a head injury, what the process might be for you to diagnose, and then come up with a treatment plan? 

Each vision therapy patient is very individualized. We tailor individualized programs, especially for those with concussions and head injuries.

People will initially be referred in primarily. We’re fortunate to support our local OD community quite well. We do get quite a lot of optometric referrals where people will come in. Our initial exam is usually 75 to 90 minutes where we’re doing a full binocular vision workup, stereopsis, vergence ranges, saccadic tracking, and accommodative vergence. You’re getting the whole picture. 

What we’re often doing is trying to determine what we can do optically to help settle or reduce some of the symptoms someone is dealing with. Many of our patients are dizzy. It can often be a matter of what can we do to change their optics that might reduce some accommodative demand. It might be reducing some of the minuses in their glasses. 

If they have a vestibulo-ocular reflex difficulty, they’re looking at the letter chart and they shake their head and everything goes blurry. What we often might look at is trialing some yoked prism in different directions, whether a bit of basin prism or sometimes yoked-base down because of the magnification impact. 

You’ll put it in front and we’ll have them walk around the room. We’ll have them looking at letter charts and just ensuring that when they move their heads before, they lose 3 or 4 lines of acuity, and now it’s only 1 or 2, so we know that what we’re doing optically is going to be helping the visual and vestibular system to work better together. 

The third element is so many of our clients are quite light sensitive. We’re trying to look at it. Many will come in wearing dark sunglasses. We’re often looking at whether there is a different tool, a different tint, or a different step that might allow them to be in busy indoor environments where they don’t have to wear dark gray sunglasses. Is there an intermediary step? We’ll be looking at different tints to help with that. 

Tint And Filter Usage In Vision Therapy

That’s excellent. I know there’s a lot there. We could probably unpack and spend some time on each of those things. I want to ask you about the yoked prism later. I want to stick to the tints. Are they different things, tints versus filters? 

Yes. The filter is usually going to change the incoming wavelength, and there’s the spectrum that’s emitted, whereas a tint is more of an actual color change. We’ll often be utilizing a lot of tints or colors, which can have a variety of different benefits. A lot of times, the ones that people are drawn to, especially after a head injury, are usually more of your shorter wavelength colors, your blues, your purples, and sometimes green. 

We may be trialing for a couple of reasons. Blue will reduce the critical flicker frequency of artificial lights. It also can dampen the challenges with scrolling sensitivities. If you have someone scrolling on a screen, you’ll show them a tint of that color. It often makes it a lot easier for them. A blue tint or something with a blue tint will help improve their ability to scroll or reduce the sensitivity to that. 

Blue tints can reduce flicker frequency and scrolling sensitivity, making them ideal for head injury recovery.

It’s worth looking at and there are several theories about what that is. It may have an impact on the light that’s emitted. If we think about our red-green balancing, blue is going to act more as a plus lens. It’s similar to how if there’s a red, you add a little minus. If you go more into the blue end, you’re adding just a touch more plus. 

There’s likely that component as well too. It’s not that everyone is going to benefit from those, but you’re going to be looking at if they’re quite light sensitive, then you want to probe and gauge the response. That’s a lot of what we’re doing initially. Once they’ve done that and we’ve determined some optics that have been allowing them to feel better, then what we’re going to do is we let them go out to the world with that. Usually about four to six weeks. We often don’t do a whole lot of active training initially. We’ll say, “Go for walks and continue the other rehabilitative activities you’re doing.” We then have them come back in and we’ll remeasure where things are at and we’ll consider vision therapy if needed at that stage.

You’ve mentioned blue lights for certain variables. How about on the other end of the spectrum? I know FL 41 is a popular color, that rosy color tint. Is that something that you often use as well? What types of patients would those be for? 

It’s more of a research, I suppose, within the migraine or headache community. It can certainly be helpful. There have been some changes in terms of percentages. Sometimes patients might find it too dark. You’re going to have to explore how they’re feeling about it. Fortunately, some great optical suppliers have been able to change some of the percentages to make it more tolerable. 

FL 41 is very common. We will often have flippers. We’ll have one that might have a little blue and one that might have a little FL 41, and we’ll gauge. I usually tend to find myopes might be a little more drawn to FL 41. Hyper Ops is more of the blue, but that’s just an anecdotal experience. I would take that to the bag. It’s just that everybody writes that down. Write that down. That’s just been my anecdotal experience. 

That’s very interesting to hear from your anecdotal. Of course, you’ve had a lot more experience doing this than many of us, myself, and many of us tuning in, but it’s very interesting to hear that. I personally never understood or realized that just changing the color of a lens could have such an impact on your visual system, visual ocular, or reflector. That’s very interesting. A lot of what you’re talking about requires ophthalmic lenses. I’m curious to know how you go about finding a partner vendor in that scenario to find somebody who works in such a unique space and who can work with you well in this space. 

For us, from the early days, it’s all about finding an optical partner who is willing to come in and take the feedback of people who are on the ground and noting these observational changes with a variety of different tints. Hoya in particular, from the start, has always been so open to taking the feedback of people who are on the ground. 

Initially, you’ll go to different courses or you’ll read some research on different filters or tints, but it might be hard to access or the reproducibility is not always easy. Particularly with tinting, if you change the color of a lens and you are also adding an anti-reflective coating, which is usually what you want, it’s quite a unique titration because you need to have a darker tint because the anti-reflective will wash down the percentage a little. 

Hoya has been wonderful in the sense that they have been able to titrate out how much to start with the tint so that you wash out the right amount. You don’t get something that’s too dark or something too light. This is across the spectrum. I think they generally have been a nice partner. They’re very open to feedback and very open to creating solutions that providers on the ground are noting. 

I think that’s where the evolution of the evidence-based always comes. In any field, it’s people who are seeing a wide variety of one particular type of patient and are noting that I’m getting this positive response. Let’s do this on a larger scale. Let’s develop a research study, which we’ve always been very committed to. We’ve always been a part of a research study since we’ve been started. It’s been nice. To do research, you need the tools. They’ve been helpful in terms of getting us what we need. 

That makes a lot of sense. Now, when you said it, it seems obvious to have a partner that’s going to take feedback, make changes, and create a product that fits what you need, and not just like, “Here’s what we have. You figure it out now,” which wouldn’t work. You wouldn’t be able to treat your patients if you didn’t have the appropriate lens. I had no idea that adding an anti-reflective coating changed the density of the tint or whatever you’re saying. That’s incredible. Quite an art form. 

It sounds like it. It’s quite an art form. 

In some of those publications or the research that you’re working with, it’s specifically these lenses that you’re having manufactured from Hoya that are being used in this research. 

That’s our next wave. Right now, we’re finalizing the yoked prism, which I know we talked about. We’ve done vision therapy, research, and nutrition. One of our colleagues here is a fellow of the Ocular Wellness Nutrition Society. We’re looking at how different carotenoids can impact light sensitivity and these kinds of things. We’re always trying to progress the evidence base. 

That’s great to hear. We talked about tint and Hoya supporting you in that sense with these different shades and densities and so on. With my limited knowledge of prism, how important is it? I imagine it is, but I’d like for you to describe to me how important is it to make sure that the lens is made in a way to induce a certain amount of prism or not induce a certain amount of prism. I know prism thinning is a term that I should probably know more about. I would for you to tell me more about that. 

A lot of times, when you’re doing smaller amounts of prism, you want the prism ground into the lens as opposed to pupillary decentration. You want it within the whole lens. We’re giving the partner that does that and you can communicate that. Prism thinning is also another common thing that you want to be in conversation with your labs about most.

Progressive lenses, to make them thinner, are going to be inducing between 1 and 3e diopters of yoked base down prism primarily. Many times, concussion patients can be too much to handle. The general population can be fine. Otherwise, they may not be. When you manipulate the prism thinning, then you often have someone who is looking through a less distorting prism, so it can be an easier step with their new glasses or their optics.

That’s very interesting. There is so much to learn from you, Paul. I hope everybody is getting some of this. Go back and write it down, especially the part that Paul didn’t want you to write down about the blue for the hyperopes or the myopes. I messed it up already. If you listen to me, you’ll get it wrong. It’s all good. 

Metrics And Measurements Of Vision Therapy Success

One of the things about VT, I know and I know that you know that there’s a fair amount of skepticism even within our profession amongst our colleagues and beyond as to, “Does it work? Is it voodoo? Is it real?” Can you help me understand, and anybody who might be a little skeptical, how do we gauge success in VT? How do we know it’s working? What metrics and measurements are you looking at? 

This is the right question to ask because the reality is, as with anything, initially you’re going to be looking at whether you are solving the problem that brought someone in. You’re looking at symptoms of light sensitivity, dizziness, motion sensitivity, balance challenges, and reading. Are you building reading endurance? 

There are questionnaires where you can gauge that you’re moving in the right direction. For us, we’re pretty anchored on some of the well-established norms of visual function and getting them to where we would expect them to be for someone their age. The big thing is normalizing stereopsis. Forty seconds of arc distance near is a big part of one of our goals.

The big one is normalizing vergence and accommodative flexibility. A lot of people will come in and when you ask them to transition from near to far using lenses, they can do it 2 or 3 times without getting double-blurred dizziness. We’re looking to try and get that 15 to 20 cycles per minute. For tracking, we might use King Devic or the DEM saccadic tracking tests to make sure that we’re getting within normal limits, as well as some infrared eye tracking too as well.

You’re looking at all of these categories like vergence and ranges, seeing that their base inbreak is 20-plus. Going back to all of these Morgan’s norms tables that we’ve all forgotten. I do think that to continue to build the legitimacy of what we do, it’s important. We’re a very data-oriented clinic. Make sure that once you have those elements normalized and you’ve seen that for an extended period, you almost always will see a very large reduction in someone’s symptoms. That’s usually when we might transition someone to maintenance. For most of our clients, we’re trying to do 15 to 20 sessions if necessary or if it’s quite severe. By that time, they’ve usually learned a lot of the tools and they can do some more of the work at home. 

That’s excellent. There are norms and standards in things that we’re trying to achieve and bring everybody in. A lot of that is coming back to me. The last time I talked about any of that was back in school, which has only been a few years. You answered it yourself, but I wanted to highlight it. When most patients, in general, do fall within those norms or when you’re able to bring them back to those norms, subjectively, do you notice they also feel better?

Seeing patients fall within visual norms and feeling better is rewarding. Objective and subjective improvements validate VT.

It’s nice to be able to prove, objectively and subjectively, that this is working for the naysayers or the skeptics. That’s amazing. Thank you for giving us more of an insight into what you do here and how you gauge success and all these things. Understanding that the majority of our audience is a little more along the lines of what I’m doing in primary care, specializing in some other areas, not deep into VT. 

Advice For Primary Care Optometrists

What suggestions would you make for someone like myself who might want to do a bit more to help my patients? I might prescribe prism here and there. I might try to reduce certain binocular vision issues that patients might have, but I’m not doing even a fraction of what you’re doing here. Are there other ways that we might be able to do more in a primary care setting before we refer over to someone yourself? 

It comes down to three different approaches or three different pillars that you may want to focus on. The first one is probably a slight shift in terms of how you utilize optics. I usually often find that it’s probably 50% or 60%. Don’t quote me on this, the same as the FL 41. Don’t write this down, but 50 to 60% is often what has been done optically or what changes you make optically. 

I find that’s often a good first step. There are several great courses. One of the ones that we hosted here and I’m always happy to promote is Dr. Peddle and Dr. Bond out of Ontario. They run a wonderful course called Neurofunctional Prescribing Course. It’s a great way in the sense that it shifts people’s perspectives and gives them an algorithmic approach.

Optometrists are very myopic. Because of that, they are very into details, data, and systems, which step by step as a community. We need the step-by-step, which we all do. I think that’s helpful. You come out with an algorithm where you can explore different tints, different directions of prisms, and how these things are going to have an impact on the ground. 

You can explore it in any primary care office and it can make a big impact. Getting a baseline, as you said. A shout-out for their course there. I know we host it here usually once. They’re planning to come next year as well, but they do it a lot in Ontario. The next thing is probably community, which I know we talked about. 

You mentioned that there can certainly be some naysayers or there can be some pressures against you and what you’re doing. You almost need not a safe haven but a group of people who are providing this type of care who are innovative, progressive, and are pushing the evidence base. There are fortunately a lot of great groups that you can become part of to get into that community and try to find a mentor.

We do consulting here. We’ve worked with several clinics in Canada where we start where they haven’t been doing VT and help show them how they can build that up, which is great. You’ll find lots of other people who can be helpful in that space. Vision Therapy Canada is great. It’s a good community. I would say go to their COVD conferences. There are the OEP courses and the Sanit seminar series. We draw from everyone so that we can have as many tools in the toolkit, but those have been incredibly impactful for me and doing our fellowships and all of those kinds of things.

I think that those are great, but once you get the optics and then you get the community, now you need a resource of I want to do some chair-side vision therapy. I want to learn more about the activities. There’s a company I’ve been involved with that’s based out on the island. Dr. McCrodan started it. It’s called NeuroVisual Trainer, where there’s a collection of essentially all of the vision therapy activities that you can do. There are about 120. We donated 70 videos because we had shot a step-by-step of how to do all of the VT activities.

Doctor accounts, it doesn’t cost anything. You can go on there and you can look through all of the different activities. You can assign them to patients. There are also interactive activities. Random dot activity and Saccadic activities. One of the things if people are looking to get into it is I do find that people will often say they are busier. It’s harder for them to commit to their vision therapy homework. 

I disagree in the sense that I find now that people are busier, they need more of the structure of either coming into your office, having a virtual phone, or checking with them each week because that accountability tends to continue to keep people on the right track. Between those three resources, you can usually get a nice base. You can feel free to take a look at all these activities. You can assign to patients too. It’s been a great tool and more education modules will be added to it in the next walk.

Busy patients need structure and accountability in vision therapy. Regular check-ins help keep them on track.

That’s incredible. Just the way it sounds. It’s free? 

The doctor’s account. If you assign to patients, then there is a monthly fee for them to have access but you in your office can learn, you can look, you can view, you can play, and you can explore. It’s used in universities and it’s now in about four different languages. It’s been a good resource. I’m proud to be affiliated or part of what they’re building. 

Were We Taught Optics Incorrectly?

That’s incredible. Thank you for sharing that. Along the way throughout this conversation, you’ve mentioned optics a bunch of times. I talk with other colleagues who are into VT or binocular vision-type things and use different tints and so on. V2 for example, is one of the bigger names in it, but even others. I’ve heard multiple times that we are doing optics wrong. To put it bluntly, were we taught optics incorrectly in school? What are we missing and what’s different right now? 

I probably wouldn’t go on record saying we’re taught wrong, but I know exactly where you’re getting at. The way that we’re taught optics is primarily with the aim of reproducibility. What I mean by that is you need to teach optics in such a way that you can take 80 23-year-olds, and put them in a room. Within 3 to 4 weeks, they can all get plus or minus the same answer.

It’s reproducible as an endpoint. Sometimes, particularly if you’re dealing with someone who has dizziness or balance issues, you can miss some subtle elements of nuance. As much as we know about how optics impact the end results, so this 20/20 vision. When you start exploring different things about utilizing prism or strength adjustments, and you start incorporating head movements and motion, it’s quite unbelievable to see how subtle nuance changes with optics will impact someone’s performance.

I think the general principles of optics are certainly sound, but I think the longer you practice, you start seeing these patients. You’re like, “I feel I should be able to help them, but I don’t know how.” A lot of times, it can be a subtle adjustment to optics that makes such a big difference. Much of our world is processed visually. How our eyes integrate with our inner ear is such an important element for stabilizing ourselves in space. That’s why I often encouraged people to at least even reach out to someone who is working with a lot of people who are dealing with dizziness or balance issues and learning a bit more about it. 

The fortunate thing is it’s not a new script. It’s just another chapter that you add and you can open that chapter when you need it and you can go back to the core principles when you don’t. The other thing is when you start prescribing more functionally, your remake rate goes down. I probably get one remake every two years. It’s very rare. There are some financial incentives too. That’s what people are looking for.

Tell me about the remake rate going down and prescribing functionally. Can you explain both of those things to me and how they relate? 

I think a lot of it will come down to how you think about stigmatism. It is a common one there. Not making very large changes, not over-minus your patients, and sometimes trialing the lenses with motion and movement. You might see that they find it clearer, darker, and blacker when you’re in the exam room, but when they get up and they move, it might be too much stigmatism. 

Sometimes it might be a matter of rotating the axis at 180, not pushing them with too large of changes, and also considering what the person is doing, which I know all optometrists do, but optimizing the tool for the job at hand. What is the actual distance they’re working at? Is there sometimes a prism that might be helpful at that working distance? You take all of those little principles into play, and you’ll often find the acceptance rate goes up. 

Trial framing prescriptions, in general, can be helpful because then they can move their head around versus behind a phoropter. I’m sure we’ve all had that patient who is a quarter extra sill and all of a sudden, “I can’t walk anymore.’ That five-degree access shift away from horizontal and all of a sudden, made them feel uncomfortable. We’ve all had those patients. It makes a lot of sense. Paul, where can people find you or find some of the resources? Anything, as far as resources or contact information you’d to share with people. 

The easiest way is through our website or My email is [email protected] which is a big mistake to have a 14-character tail on your email address. We also have a contact on our website, so that may be easier. If people want to connect, if they’re looking to add these services, learn more about it, or how can they make their chair side or office VT a bit more effective, then I’m always happy to help. 

Thank you for being open to connecting. Trust me, I feel the pain about having too long of a URL or whatever. Ours is and a lot of people get caught up on that. It’s too many letters. Thank you so much, Dr. Rollett, for being here. Any final words you want to share? Any other motivational quotes or something to get everybody to yell at their optics professor? 

I certainly wouldn’t say that. I always like to end a lot of my lectures. One of my favorite quotes is, “If you want to make a difference in the world, you’ve got to be a little different from the world.” I do think that vision therapy is not a different entity outside of optometry. It is optometry. I’ve been so grateful for so many conferences that are now having vision therapy or optic streams at them, and just continue to ask that it keeps happening, bringing everybody into the fold. 

It’s not like these people are doing this thing. We’re doing the real optometry and they’re doing a different version. It’s all the same and I think that we need to continue to embrace that. That starts at an organizational level by continuing to have speakers who are working in these fields and sharing their insight and everyone being open. It’s vulnerable to share your model on vision, to be honest, but a lot of people have learned a lot of things that can be helpful to your practices. Keep allowing us to share the message. 

That’s a great quote and a great message to end it. Thank you very much for sharing all these insights. I hope everybody was able to gain some value and some insight into what happens in a vision therapy excellence center like this, and what we might be able to do more to help our patients as well. Thank you to Dr. Paul Rollett. Thank you to Okanagan Vision Therapy. Thank you to our wonderful friends at Hoya Vision Care Canada for supporting this show, for supporting me personally, and for supporting the profession of optometry. Thank you very much. Thank you to everybody following Canada’s number-one optometry podcast. We’ll see you in the next episode.

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About Dr. Paul Rollett

The 20/20 Podcast | Dr. Paul Rollett | Vision TherapyVision Therapy has been Dr. Rollett’s passion since he graduated from the University of Waterloo in 2011. Based in Kelowna, British Columbia, Dr. Rollett runs Okanagan Vision Therapy, a dedicated network of centres offering Vision Therapy and neuro-visual rehabilitation.


Written by Dr. Harbir Sian

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