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Bali Conversations: How CooperVision Is Taking Sustainability To A New Level – Aldo Zucaro, Global Head Of Sustainability At CooperVision

The idea of sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint is becoming a bigger discussion in eyecare. As time goes on, we will continue to hear more and more companies in the industry sharing their efforts to reduce their impact on the environment. But one of the companies that has been at the forefront of this […]

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Does Vision Therapy Work? Were We Taught Optics Incorrectly? – Dr. Paul Rollett, Vision Therapy Expert

Dr. Paul Rollett is the co-owner of Okanagan Vision Therapy, a multi-location, highly specialized vision therapy practice in British Columbia. In this episode, Dr. Rollett helps us understand some of the mystical aspects of vision therapy and dispels common myths. If you’ve been wondering if vision therapy is voodoo or if it actually works, you’ll […]

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Imagine for a moment that there exists a disease that could potentially take 15 years off your lifespan. Let’s say, for the sake of this discussion, that this same disease could also significantly increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, and blindness. And now, let’s say that almost one third of the entire […]

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The “average person” will probably not recognize what the image above shows. But the “average person” is exactly who needs to understand the importance of what is happening. A couple of days ago, I had 19 year old healthy young man come to see me for an eye exam simply because he was noticing a […]

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This was originally written and posted in December 2010. As with all of the older posts, I’ve decided to leave this one in its (somewhat naive, but well-intentioned) original condition. The follow up to this was called “How Trevor Linden Sold Out: The Prequel”. (Yes, I like movies) Before I begin, I would like to say that as most […]

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